Privacy Policy

The success of any business rests on the trust it earns from its customers, employees, stakeholders, and from the ecosystem where it conducts business.

This trust can be earned through the collective efforts of all our team members. We at Krishna labs are working in our best capacities to maintain this trust through the effective implementation of this Code of business ethics;


Integrity is just not a principle but an ongoing commitment to oneself to ensure trust, honesty, and transparency are always maintained in the system. We thus have to ensure that every work carried out by us is done independently and impartially by using guided methods, tools, and procedures.

While being truthful in our data and results analysis we must ensure high standards of accountability. We must understand that every action and omission can have consequences that damage our single most important asset: reputation. We thus have to ensure all material facts and their results shall be reported in good faith, free from all biases and opinions, and not in any arbitrary manners or personal preferences.


We at Krishna labs respect and protect the confidential information that is entrusted bycustomers and third parties in the course of business. We thus take appropriate measures to prevent any accidental disclosure.

We ensure to treat all information received in the course of services and business are confidential to extent that no such information is published or put in the public domain.

All our transactions shall be free from any conflict of interest. Conflicts of interest can include but are not limited to, ownership or involvement in outside interests that could influence or adversely affect the reputation of either party. However, in any such event, it shall be pertinent for both parties to inform each other and seek guidance.

Bribery & Corruption

We at Krishna Labs prohibit any form of bribery or corruption in our business relations or activities.

No reward, gift, or favor in return for, or dependent on, the outcome of any work will be accepted in any form whatsoever. It is thus prohibited to offer, give, or acceptance a bribe in any form, including kickbacks on any portion of a contract payment. No breach of ethics, law, or policies shall be tolerated to satisfy customer requirements, whether stated or implied.

Fair Marketing Practices

Krishna Lab conducts its business using competitive and fair market practices. We do not engage in any kind of understanding with our competitors to influence the pricing in the operating markets.

We do not use any unfair means to obtain information about our competitors or the customers and conduct our business in a manner that is truthful, not deceptive or misleading in any form.