Corrosion Testing

Corrosion is one of the biggest enemies of metals because that basically destroys the functionality; there have been reports of millions being spent to repair and replace corroded metal parts or even machines, in certain cases. We test your metal and steel assets under a simulated corrosive saline environment, to better predict how well your products will perform when real-life corrosion attacks them. 

In the analysis, we provide detailed corrosion resistance reports with all the relevant statistics, so that you may take corrective measures, well before your product is launched. We have the best equipment for such testing and are most well-equipped to test large and small parts for both cyclic and non-cyclic testing.

Tests We Conduct

Salt Spray Testing
Cyclic Corrosion Testing
Thermal Shock
Heating and Ageing
Vibration at Different Temperature Testing
Cold Climate Testing
Damp Testing

For any queries, contact us now!